by Squibble | Aug 31, 2011 | Craft
Here are some pictures of my new additions to my Alice in Wonderland collection: I draw onto the shrink plastic by hand, then cut it out before baking. Each one is just a tiny little bit different! The photos are a little blurry as I took them with my cell phone at...
by Squibble | May 27, 2010 | Newsflash
My entry for the Basekit Design Competition made it into the top Twenty! The Top Ten finalists are named next week. {rokbox title=|Basekit Competition May 2010 :: One of the Top Twenty Finalists.| size=|446 328|}images/blogpics/squibbleatbasekit.jpg{/rokbox} Visit...
by Squibble | Sep 10, 2009 | Animation: Projects
I thought I would add this animation test to the ‘Current Projects’ section, as this is where it really belongs. My first animation test for Squibble’s World way back in 2004! {rokbox title=|Squibble on a bike 2004| size=|550 400| text=|Test:...
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