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Featured on Friday
Speak to Tweet - eyes have been on Egypt this week, and when it looked as if access to internet providers for the Egyptian people had been cut off, Google and Twitter joined forces so that Egyptians could use their phones to leave a...
#SketchbookSundays Week #18 – Weight. 31/01/2011 – 05/02/2011
This week I am turning back to The Natural Way to Draw by Kimon Nicolaïdes. The exercise I have chosen is from Section 3 'Weight and the Modelled Drawing'.The idea of this exercise is to concentrate on conveying weight of the form, building up the shape as if you were...
Featured on Friday
Discovered This Week:HuffdufferCreate Your Own Podcast from sounds found around the internet:Create your own podcast. 1. Find links to audio files on the Web. 2. Huffduff the links—add them to your podcast. 3. Subscribe to podcasts of other found sounds.Two Excellent...
Using Free Resources With Discretion – Working Within a Budget
1stWebdesigner recently published an article called: 'Can Free Design Resources Be Exemplary?'{footnote}{/footnote} The article focused on the problems associated with the distribution of free design...