My Blog
#SketchbookSundays Week #25 Heading Outdoors! – 21/03/2011 – 27/03/2011
This week I am going to be making the most of the sunny weather and heading outdoors! I am planning to do some studies of plants and also some landscape sketching. This will be a nice break from all the figure sketching I have been doing.My aim will be to make the...
Featured on Friday
Donate to the NZ Red Cross Appeal for Japan: Red Cross New Zealand - (Select Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 from the drop-down menu) Internet Explorer 9 - 'A More Beautiful Web is Here' was released this...
#SketchbookSundays Week #24 – Simplified Anatomy for the Comic Book Artist (Again!) – 14/03/2011 – 20/03/2011
I didn't get to do much of my sketching for #SketchbookSundays this week, as I was pretty much laid out flat by the flu. I'm feeling much better now, so I am extending the exercise for another week and seeing if I can make my characters for the graphic novel I am...
Featured on Friday
Things have been a bit quiet here at Squibbleworld this week owing to the flu which completely knocked me sideways and from which I am still recovering. Nevertheless, here is this week's... Featured on Friday! Interesting Article:TechdayNZ says that New Zealand...