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Mrs Greyhound
Squibble Design 36 Days of Type

Featured on Friday

From my Reader app and as shared on Twitter - A short post this week! Resources: Vectorian - Vintage Vector Ornaments - The Biggest Online Collection.  Google +1 Button If you want to add the +1 button to your site, so that Google+ users can recommend your content,...

Fringe Bar Markets

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the people I met at the Fringe Bar Market yesterday, and to all the people who stopped by my table and talked to me about my work! It was my first full-day market, and as well as promoting my range of toys and accessories I...

Featured on Friday

My favourite links this week from my Reader feed and as shared on Twitter. Web Design and Development Resources: DesignBeep - 18 Useful Web Based Code Editors for Developers Vanseodesign - Is Content Necessary Prior To Web Design? 'Design is communication. Naturally...