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Mrs Greyhound
Squibble Design 36 Days of Type

Sunday Painting – May 2014

I have started taking oil painting classes and had my first afternoon session on Sunday. Each class is four and a half hours long but that meant I didn't feel rushed and came away with two new pieces of art. I have never used oils before at all so was a bit nervous...

News, Tips and Views 28/04/2014

In the News: Previously Undiscovered Andy Warhol Works Discovered on Floppy Disks from 1985 This article from Studio for Creative Inquiry describes how the images were extracted from a set of Amiga floppy disks in The Andy Warhol Museum. From the Museum's Press...

The Teacup LOLcats are Back in a New Compilation Book!

Things have been a little quiet here lately, and that's because I have been working hard on making the Teacup LOLcats web comic that ran in 2010 into a book!   All thirty strips are now available in book form, in three formats: hardback, paperback, and epub from...