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Project 365 Weeks Two and Three – Workspaces, Art, and a Day Trip.

February 04, 2015

January passed in a bit of a blur, as I worked on new projects, and slowly made my workspace more habitable. I also moved my website to a new server, which means I am a bit behind on posting my 365 updates.

I have actually managed to take at least one photo every day, even if it is just a quick snapshot while I am working.

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Ice Cream Lamp

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Pencil drawing of my cat

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Preparing stock to take to NZique in Wellington

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Adding details to my watercolour painting in art class.

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Dropped off the new stock at NZique in Wellington!

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It’s not often I get to take a day trip, but I got to go to Christchurch for the day for work. More photos coming soon in a separate post!

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The gnome-themed packaging of this baguette in IDN magazine amused me!

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It was a very busy week, but cute stationery always makes work more fun!

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I have been picking up small things here and there for the office, and this small ceramic deer lamp was a great find on Trademe!

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Lunch in a hurry: I discovered fresh strawberries and nutella are fantastic in a toastie.

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Molding a sculpt for a new product in the shop!

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Pewter casting test: This was before I added a mold release – believe it or not you need it for pewter casting too, and this is the cause of the pock-marking on the surface.

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Until Next Time!

Squibble Sign Off
