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Screaming Monkey – From Sketch to Painting

November 27, 2009

This week’s sketch is also part of the same project as last week’s (Nearly) Daily Doodle. As such the final image in the progression you see here is still not finished. I did a lot more work on the monkey image when it was incorporated into the final painting! When I am happy with my pencil sketch, I go over it with markers then scan it as a black and white image at 600dpi. I then import that scanned image into flash and clean up the lineart. While I am in flash I colour the lineart and add flat colour to the image. This acts as a guide for base colours when I import the file into a program like Painter or Photoshop in order to paint it.


{rokbox title=|Screaming Monkey – From Sketch to Digital Painting.| size=|800 255|}images/digitalart/screamingmonkeyprogression.jpg{/rokbox}


I am hoping to upload the complete painting in a week or two, and there should be another Teacup LOLcats comic in the works over the weekend.
