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March 31, 2011

Winebottler + Sculptris = Fail!

What is Sculptris and What does it do?

I first came across Sculptris when I attended the Visual Arts Drawing course at Weltec in December. Sculptris is an application that allows you to create 3d models, as if you were modelling a piece of clay. You can even ‘paint’ textures onto your 3d models. The user-interface is very intuitive and straightforward, and 3d modelling immediately becomes much more fun!

Sculptris could be useful for rapid-prototyping. I like the idea of modelling my characters in Sculptris, and then perhaps being able to have them made by a service such as Ponoko. So many possibilities! However, this 3d sculpting program is only available for windows. That’s where Wine comes in.

What is Wine?

Wine is an Open Source project that allows users to run windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X. I have played with it before, but have not had much luck. Then earlier this week I discovered Winebottler, which takes the .exe file of a windows program and turns it into a standalone application for the mac.

I used it with Sculptris, but had no luck again as the program was unable to create a file it needed on startup and crashed. This seems to be a common problem that Sculptris has when used with slightly older graphics cards.

More info on Winebottler: Lifehacker article

In the meantime, there is a beta testers group for Sculptris Alpha 6, which may also be released for mac OSX. I signed up for the beta tester group a little late, so here’s hoping I am able to get an invite!

Elemental Magic Volume 2 Out Soon!

If you are interested in effects animation, you will be excited to hear that Volume 2 of Joseph Gillands Elemental Magic is at the publisher! Read more at the Elemental Magic Blog…


New Crochet items available at Squibble & Co.!

Strawberry Wristicuffs - Squibble & Co.
