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June 25, 2011

Webdesign Resources:

1stWebDesigner – How to Customize Twitter Search and Profile Widgets

Slodive – 20 Super Techniques For CSS Page Layouts

InstantShift – 40+ Latest High-Quality Free Fonts for Your Designs

Propeople Blog – The Ultimate User Experience Resources Roundup

Articles from Webdesigner Depot:

Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3
‘While others are reading yet another tutorial on CSS animation, why not broaden your horizons by researching subjects that will allow you to offer an even better service to clients?’

Who’s going to save the World Wide Web?
‘The World Wide Web turned the desktop application into a passé. But will mobile applications destroy the Web? It could happen, especially if things continue as they are now. But who will save it?’

Social media:

Tim O’Reilly – Facebook’s Face Recognition Strategy May Be Just the Ticket
‘Most of the commentary on Facebook’s new face-recognition strategy has been negative, with many folks posting instructions on how to opt out. I, on the other hand, think that Facebook may have come up with a great strategy for cutting the Gordian Knot on this thorny privacy problem.

Face recognition is here to stay. My question is whether to pretend that it doesn’t exist, and leave its use to government agencies, repressive regimes, marketing data mining firms, insurance companies, and other monolithic entities, or whether to come to grips with it as a society by making it commonplace and useful, figuring out the downsides, and regulating those downsides.’

My Favourite Art Link This Week:

Paul Shih presents a two-part walk-through of how he produced his ‘Sushi Kaiju’ custom resin toy. Hand-made and hand-painted!

> Part 1

> Part 2
