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Super Kawaii Exhibition and Thirty Days of Animation

June 16, 2016

Super Kawaii Exhibition

Hello! Since I last blogged, I have been to Melbourne (more on that next time), and am currently taking part in a group exhibition! The exhibition is ‘Super Kawaii’ and is on until 5pm this Sunday at Matchbox Studios in Wellington. If you are in the area, stop by and check it out! I have prints, plushies and jewellery in the exhibition.

Matchbox Studios
166 Cuba St
Te Aro


Super Kawaii Exhibition Opening 2016

Best of Thirty-six Days of Type

Before I left for Melbourne I finished my #36daysof type project. You can see highlights from the project in my portfolio!

Thirty Days of Animation

My current personal project is #30daysofanimation. I am working on small animations throughout the month of June and posting progress updates on my instagram account. Here are some highlights!

Highlights of my 30 Days of Animation- Part 1 from Squibble Design on Vimeo.
