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Photo Post – Recent Art Projects and the Wellington Botanics

June 05, 2014

Work in Progress and Digital Doodles

The last few weeks have been very busy and I have been working hard on some new projects.

Here is a sneak preview of some of my current work in progress and digital doodles. Some of these photos are from my Instagram feed, I quite often use it to post quick snaps of work in progress!

Chocolate Digital Painting Test Squibble Design

A Visit to Wellington Botanics

I did find time to go on an outing to the Wellington Botanic Gardens a couple of weekends ago and luckily the weather was good enough to take some lovely photos. I was even lucky enough to see a cheeky native Kaka parrot happily stripping the bark of a tree.

Outside the Hot House



Peace Garden

Tiny Mushrooms

Curious Kaka

Red Berries

The Rose Gardens

View Over the City

View over the City 2

Purple Rose

Red Roses

White Poppy

Orange Poppies

Yellow Poppy Closeup
