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Making Tumblr Work For You

April 12, 2012

I started out using my Tumblr account just for fun, but wondered if I could do something more useful with it. I attempted making regular posts, but found in time that my main blog on my website was being neglected.

My Tumblr posts eventually degraded into the usual ‘liking’ and re-posting of other peoples’ posts. In the end I decided that I would benefit more from spending time adding useful content to my main blog on my website.

However I remain convinced that Tumblr can be a useful tool for small businesses and freelancers, and as such I am going to try a different approach.


From now on, I am going to use my Tumblr blog as a way to record interesting and random things that may not quite fit into the theme of my main blog, which is focussed on web design and animation. 

I have embedded my Tumblr blog into my website. You can now pop in to the new site ‘Out and About – On the Move with Squibble‘ , to see what I have been up to, and see exclusive behind the scenes photos of current projects.

Visitors to your site may be interested in learning more about you beyond the information presented on your main website. Using Tumblr in an informal way to present images and extra information about yourself is a good option. 

You don’t have to embed your Tumblr into your website, simply linking to your Tumblr blog from your website and other social media profiles may boost interest in your work.

Tumblr isn’t just for images either. You can post audio and video. There is even an option that allows users to ask you questions that you can choose to answer within a post.

Want to Make Better Use of Tumblr? Try these Tools:

Tumblr app for Iphone

Tumblr app for Android

Instagram for Iphone and now Android – allows you to take photos and post them to multiple social networks including Tumblr.

