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Featured on Friday

March 10, 2011

Things have been a bit quiet here at Squibbleworld this week owing to the flu which completely knocked me sideways and from which I am still recovering. Nevertheless, here is this week’s…

Featured on Friday!

Interesting Article:

TechdayNZ says that New Zealand websites could do better.
According to their summary of Intergen’s report on ‘The Engaged Web in New Zealand’, interaction and audience engagement are the keys.

‘73% of websites benchmarked featured an online community, with the majority using Facebook or Twitter. 

46% of sites didn’t have a blog and only 42% allowed visitors to share website content.

In general, websites made strong use of multimedia (80%), personalisation (86%) and sticky content (98%), but were said to lack other forms of engagement.

Email, phone and web forms were still the most commonly advertised contact channels, despite the rise of Facebook and Twitter.

60% of the sites promoted their Facebook page on their homepage.

Web Design: shows you how to jump on the full-screen bandwagon this week with a demo of an Animated fullscreen background image slideshow.

InstantShift published an article this week called ‘Understanding the Theory of Minimalism in Web Design’

‘Minimalist web designs are simple and conservative. They are basic, without clutter. The perception of the audience overrules the personal expression of the designer. This doesn’t mean that creating a minimal design requires less effort or expertise than a traditional design. Although simplicity is key, understanding the laws of minimalist design and working within them are necessary.’

Read the Rest of the Article…

Squibble’s Believe It or Not!

How Hard Can it be to Make a House Fly? National Geographic re-creates Disney’s ‘Up’ in Real Life

Finally Via the Cooked Art Blog Glen Keane draws Rapunzel, and talks about the creation of the character.
