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Today’s Free Wallpaper – Playing with the Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

February 02, 2010

This week’s free wallpaper is inspired by the lovely underwater scenes in The Princess and the Frog.

{rokbox title=|Bokeh Play :: Free Wallpaper| size=|1600 800|}images/wallpaper/bokehplay.jpg{/rokbox}

I also wanted to try my hand at digital Bokeh in Photoshop. However there are so many examples of this particular effect around at the moment, that I didn’t want to produce something that looked the same as all the others.

I followed this tutorial at, but made a few changes along the way just for fun.


Instead of making the Fill Opacity of the bokeh brush 50%, I went for 100% opacity and made the interior a pale grey colour.

I made a grey gradient for the background instead of a coloured gradient.

I chose the colours I wanted for the bubbles and painted them on different layers: bright green, light blue, red, and yellow. Then I played with the Opacity and layer styles of each layer until I got the effect I wanted.

Any questions? Ask me on Twitter!

